What day is it today?

Goudeau was a roving reporter, more later!

Penn states the “Monkey Tuesday Story” rules!

Penn welcomes Chicago – we’re back live in the windy city!

Steve Dahl straightens things out.

Mel Gibson’s Drunken Monkey Poker!

Poker Tournament day 1c Shuffle up and deal.
Ron Jeremy
Robin Tunney and James Garner
Penn’s perfect moment!


Silence for a second…

Penn goes all-in

Happy Jack wants monkeys – Penn wants to talk about Mel Gibson and heroes
Lenny Bruce and Jackie Kennedy

Monkey Pig!

Nasty letters (Goudeau – we’re accepting flowers)
Does drunk Patrick say things he doesn’t believe

Caller Dave: I love you, let’s get married. Lying about lying.
That’s interesting…
Goudeau loved Dave
Caller Laura: Calling someone ‘gay’.

Caller: Drinking inhibits your self-control.
Penn uses the word ‘barely’.
Caller Brett: <bad_line>The Drunk mouth speaks the sober mind</bad_line>

My router died!
What did I miss?

Caller: In goes wine – out come the secrets

Caller: In vino veritas

Penn gives details of his poker game.

Goudeau’s report after the break

Caller David: Six flags monkey story.
Disappearing guy trying to seal a monkey.

Caller Brian: Teacher had a gibbon.
Gibbon vs dog. Penn his very happy.

Penn trying to be a good dad.
Moxie and the dog.
Penn doesn’t panic!
Moxies first memory?

Caller Alex. Yet another six flags story: Vinyl covered roof.
Penn wants a sponsor.


All monkey station?

Goudeau’s report
Not Patrick’s fault
Goudeau says the monkey can’t play poker.

They play the recording and giggle over it as “recorded Goudeau” gives “a report:”
Hot outside.
Yellow mini.
What more proof do you need?
Too many people.
Dressed monkey! (Provenza mentioned)

<pause> Attractive monkey – avert your eyes.
<pause> Chimp eats chips. Goudeau describes keeper.
Monkey kiss.
Name joke.
Goudeau shouts stuff out!
Lois Lane.
Goudeau interviews keeper.
Can the chimp last?
Arm wrestling.

Summary: Monkey can’t play poker but Goudeau got free gifts!

Mikey Chimp never made it to poker tournament.

Caller: Send Goudeau to Alligator Wrestling and lesbian sex.
Goudeau: I’m gonna need a raise

Caller Paul: Noell’s Ark

Penn wraps up…

Tomorrow Lisa Lampanelli

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