Piano and bass version of theme music brings us into the show, Penn talks about playing bass and problems during the Penn and Teller Show.

Daryl Hannah up a tree.

Three Stooges connection?
Eddie Gorodetsky’s Mel Gibson joke.

Caller Karen: Publicity and government land grabs. Penn thinks Ralph Horowitz is a great American hero. Goudeau will google him just in case he’s a neo-nazi or something.

Caller Gordon: Hippy groups have no scruples. 12 stooges? Name the stooges and the baldwin brothers.

Caller Joe: Wonderfully poetic idea, but Penn thinks it’s wrong.


They can only find seven Stooges but Penn believes there were 12. See also blue man group

They were paying rent ($1 per year)

Caller Curtis: Cites the play ‘Rent’. Penn is fascinated. Penn is Gobsmacked!

Mentions Dino.

Gmail from Eddie Fingers – Winona Ryder’s real name is Winona Laura Horowitz.

This is a wonderful day for Penn.

Caller Ikhwan: Takes them through the legal position…


Penn and Goudeau are up to eight stooges!
Goudeau goes over the real story of Ralph vs Daryl.

Caller Ned: not there

Caller Dan: 100 smoking monkeys! Penn mentions second hand monkey smoke (and robot killers!).

Happy Jack points out that this is NOTmonkey tuesday.

Gmail from Mistress Xenobia explaining the plot of ‘Rent’. This is the show for dominatrix (dominatrices?).

Caller Damien: Disagrees with Penn. If the government gives you the land – you don’t own it. Penn – we’re mostly making up the facts but this is what we think…

Penn: “Some really cool stuff” I agree!

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