Wednesday’s show starts with Jonesy’s theme and Penn clicking over it. He’s here with the lovely and talented Michael Goudeau.

Americans Aren’t Stupid. (Featuring Snakes & Smudgy Glasses)

Reuter’s story.
Penn pitching Bulls.Hit
Goudeau avoids snakes.
Penn’s Lesbian Atheist is Claire
Goudeau Bigfoot.
Penn’s “No God” shirt

Defining Elvis as Jewish for a movie.

Bigfoot on line 1.
Human evolution driven by snakes.
Goudeau says she’s wrong

Caller Steve: Stupid people choosing glasses.
Penn talks about glasses and quizzes Goudeau over prices.
Penn gets personal.
Penn’s dirty glasses story

Penn asks a question and gets an answer.

Caller Claire: Lesbian Athiestssp do exist!
Goudeau: That’s your wife!
Sheri on the line
Goudeau: That is your wife!
Sheri is hot.
Penn talks to Claire.
Penn is very happy as we go for a


Goudeau: everyone’s catching snakes
Comics vs Snakes
Gmail Michael Wilson: Michael Moore quote
Goudeau’s Canada quote

Caller Brandon (Penn Thinks I’m Hot): Has a similar problem with his glasses. Americans are not stupid.
Janet Jackson proves Penn’s point.

Goudeau cleans up after Penn.
Penn criticizes the Poll

Caller Tom: Penn goes all retro. Tom talks about intelligent Americans.
Aristocrats in the US

Caller Tim: Loved the patrick moore interview.
Bad test results.
Penn has a theory.

Two stupid Americans take a


Gmail Patti: Drag queen & Penn and Teller get Killed
Gmail: Glasses tip!
Goudeau: Radio network use.
Penn quotes Ben: Canada

Caller Roger: Glasses rant and kids are getting dumber.
Penn: No child left behind may be bad but there are some bright kids out there!

Caller Brian: General Knowledge – who cares?
Goudeau is here for Penn.
Taking things for granted.
Penn is astonished by his own stupidity!

Google makes facts meaningless.
Goudeau finds out some facts.

Caller Eric: Penn agrees with Eric.

Goudeau serch results

Caller Michelle: <not there>

Caller Will: Will ends the argument.
Penn shuts the English up. Sometimes.

Penn talks about being a big dumb American!

If you see Penn in a rest room:
Do not take away Penn’s Glasses!

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